Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy Centennial

I will finish my first year here with 100 posts.  That is 1 every 3.65 days for those of you not good at math.  I would have reached this mark earlier except for my near total disappearance in November and December.  I scrolled through all the posts trying to pick out the best moments from the year.  Twas the Night Before Today was the unanimous choice for best post.  Another of my favorites was A Tale of Two Kickers.  Maybe all of my posts should be parodies of classic literature.

My hope when I started this blog was to become better at writing and at expressing my thoughts.  I don't think that I have actually accomplish that yet.  Given the quality of this week's post, I'm sure that I haven't.  I would like to write more about meaningful topics this next year, instead of the meaningless drivel that I usually dish out.

I thought that I would have more to say about this milestone, but I wasted much of the afternoon on the ps3.  Now I am finishing this post during half time of MSU @ APSU.  I owe you posts about the #18 team in the nation and the rebuilding Cubs.  I'll try to get those done this week.  


  1. Happy 100!!!! We were watching some of the game but found out that MSU did better when we weren't watching--we're blaming Will.

  2. Happy milestone. Too bad you forgot that the centennial post is for haiku. Trust me that it keeps them coming back for more.

  3. P.S. You should blog about your shirt--you know which one.
