Friday, January 27, 2012

Glad That's Finally Over With

Sunday I watched the final Harry Potter movie.  Just like in the other movies, there were many occasions for sighs, groans, and throwing my hands in the air at the hatchet job done to this classic work of literature.  There were a few moments that the movie would almost get right, but then it would ruin the scene with some terrible rewrite.  Watching the movie was very frustrating.  There was one moment of brilliance however.  I don't remember the exact quote, but this will be good enough for you.

Ellen said, "I have something to say, but it's not about Harry Potter."

Shane replied, "That's okay.  This movie's not about Harry Potter either."

That exchange sums up the whole movie watching experience.  The only enjoyment that I got watching this movie was from making fun of it.  Now that I have seen all eight movies, I can spend the rest of my life pretending that they were never made.

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