Sunday, September 25, 2011

Take Me Out to the Movies

I learned a valuable lesson Tuesday night.  If you have free passes to a movie, get there early.  My friendly neighborhood librarian hooked me up with a free ticket to see Moneyball.  We made the mistake of both standing in the popcorn line.  When we got into the theater, there were not many seats left and none together.  Luckily we only had to sit one row apart and could pass the popcorn bucket from one row to the next.

Before the movie we were shown the eight minute trailer for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.  I had heard of the book but knew nothing about it.  It surprised me that the movie was about solving a forty year old murder.  The word dragon should never appear in a title unless there is a dragon in the story.  Despite the misleading title, the movie looks like it could be good.

I don't watch movies in the theater very often, and even less often, in sold out theaters.  The audience laughed out loud more than I thought was appropriate.  That could have been because I have seen the commercials so many times, that I have memorized most of the lines that drew laughter.

I liked the movie.  It was so good that it even made Jonah Hill likable.  If I ever again become the type of person who reads books, I may read Moneyball.  Michael Lewis's other book turned movie, The Blind Side, was much better as a book than a movie.

1 comment:

  1. I think Will has the book if you would like to borrow it. I guess your local librarian could hook you up as well--so never mind. I wish I had some movie theater popcorn!!
