Tuesday, September 20, 2011


JKR and the Internet Wizards are creating a new Harry Potter website called Pottermore.  I follow Pottermore on twitter to keep up with news about the site.  For four days last week, Pottermore requested that people hashtag their house pride.  Some people just stated in which house they belonged, and others quoted lines from the books about their house.  This was a great opportunity for tweeters to get creative and show off their punability.  Unfortunately there were so many lame tweets, that I gave up searching for the great ones, but I did find a few good ones.  One person said their house was Slytherincredible.  Another claimed their house was Ravenclawesome.  Being a Hufflepuff may make me a little biased, but the best tweets I saw were for #HufflepuffPride.  "We will badger you until we are in the lead."  "If Harry was in Hufflepuff, he would have found all the horcruxes in the first chapter."  And by far my favorite, "Every day I'm HUFFLIN."  Though you might not find it as funny if you don't know Party Rock Anthem.

1 comment:

  1. I actually "LMFAO" when I read the ending. This song is what really popped into my head. It's where the phrase originated from.
