Thursday, June 23, 2011

My New Best Friends

As many of you know, I work outside.  Which means that part of the year I get my nose frozen off and part of the year I sweat bucketfuls.  For the past few weeks, it has been the sweaty season.  You may remember that I took a cold right about the time that the weather warmed up.  Despite constant trips to the water fountain to rehydrate, I was running on fumes by the time the sun came up.  Directed by what must have been divine revelation, I went over to the Wal and Marts and bought a gallon cooler jug and some powdered Gatorade.  It took me about a week to determine how much I needed to drink each night.  Three quarts of Gatorade is what it takes to get me through the night.  I take a long drink from my jug every thirty minutes or so.  I am a little surprised that I have not turned orange yet.

My other title choice for this post was The Only Good Thing to Ever Come From the University of Florida.  I thought that might be too long a title, plus most people would not believe that anything good could ever come from there.  However, UF is the source of Gatorade.  I was not aware of this connection until a couple of years ago when Gatorade ran some commercials about their origin.

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