Thursday, October 27, 2011


Once upon a time, There was a blog published at this website. Readers would stop by about every third day and find a new post. Technically, that's not true. I was never able to reach my goal of averaging a post every three days except for March and June.

Back in the day, even if I didn't already have a topic in mind, I would open up my laptop and stare at the screen for so long that words would eventually spill from my mind onto the Internet. Lately I have waited until I have a fully formed post in my head. Then I would hope that the thoughts made it to the web through osmosis. So far, that plan has been unsuccessful.

I have been letting too many time consuming activities get in the way of blogging, particularly Batman Arkham Asylum and Lego Star Wars. Or it may just be that my muse has left the country and moved to Texas.

Since I am unable to sustain the level of excellence that I expect from this blog, I am going to shut it down. Once again, I have been defeated by my own mediocrity. I have never felt less pompous.

Thank you for all your devotion to this blog. I hope that this announcement doesn't leave any of you suicidal. You can still follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

His Pompousness, Shane Samples

ps. Oh crap! I just realized that today isn't April 1. I am actually going to have to follow through on this. Oh crap! Think. Think. Think. Got it! Happy October Fool's Day!


  1. I'll miss you if your gone. Maybe I'll blame Jess.

  2. Sorry--that was supposed to be "you're"---"I'll miss you if you're gone."

  3. I object. I am refusing to acknowledge this. Just do what I do and leave the masses so hungry for a word from you that they'll accept any drivel that comes along. Classic Ellen.

  4. Sorry, I made you quit your blog. I'm also sorry I didn't read this before I saw you in the Big Little. "Happy October Fool's Day" #funny

  5. Finally, I am catching up on my blog reading.

    The title make me jump for JOY because I thought I can now devote my time to reading more serious works of literature (not that your blog could ever be considered a classic) by such important authors as Danielle Steele and Janet Daley.

    Also, the DIVA STAR could never seriously by your muse because she can only inspire greatness.
