Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I spent the entire month of October trying to come up with a great Halloween costume.  By spent the entire month, I mean that it would cross my mind every couple of days.  Nothing came to mind so I continually put it off until later.  On the day before the Halloween party, I still had no costume idea.  It appeared that I would be one of those lame people who show up to the party with no costume.  I was watching the news that afternoon, and they mentioned that Occupy Wall Street would be a popular costume this year.  I immediately realized how easy this would be to pull off.  I bought a poster board at Kroger and Googled OWS signs, so that my protest would be authentic.  I was disappointed by my lack of hippie wear, but I made do as best I could.  I went to the party unshaven and without deodorant to simulate the unwashed masses protesting in the streets of New York.

Somehow I did not win the costume contest.  I have spent the last few days trying to figure out how I lost.  Here are possible explanations that I came up with.

1. I was black balled because people were tired of me winning every year.  At the last three parties I have two second places and a first place finish.  I don't think that my friends are that petty, so I ruled this out.

2. There were better costumes than mine.  Obviously that could never happen.

3. My friends have been brainwashed by Fox News into believing that OWS is evil.  While I suspect that some of my friends are Republican, I doubt that they are so easily manipulated as to fall for the Fox News rhetoric.  Though if they did drink the Fox News Kool-Aid, they might have thought my costume was very scary.

4. My friends don't watch the news and are unaware of how great my costume is.  I think this has to be the most likely answer.  I wouldn't watch the news if it didn't come on Comedy Central.

I guess I should have gone with by backup plan.  I could have shown up to the party naked and claimed to be Daniel Tosh.


  1. Your backup plan was scary. You would owe all of us prize money.

  2. I think there should have been some prize for awesome costume on the shortest notice. I didn't decide on my costume until after 6:00, and I was only a half hour late for the party.

  3. While I voted for you on all of your three wins and even voted more than once on all three occasions, I was morally repulsed by your costume for Halloween 2011. While your back up plan was scary, it would have been preferable to making fun of a great American institution.

    What has Wall Street even done to hurt you?

    By the way, the photographer who took your photo knows how to take a great photograph.
