Friday, March 11, 2011

Who Knows Where Thoughts Come From

I usually love my job.  Well as much as I could love any job.  I am not chained to a desk and am not responsible for anyone but myself.  They pay me well and let me listen to music.  That is all that I want from an employer.

My job does not require my full mental focus.  The repetitive nature of my work leaves most of my mind free to wander.  I spend this time doing things like planning my day and thinking up ideas for this blog.  On the rare occasion that I find a good idea for a post, I will write (and rewrite) a rough draft of it in my head.

I talk to myself a lot.  Some of the time I will relive past conversations.  I will think up the perfect "I should have said" hours after a conversation has ended.  Other times I will imagine future conversations.  As Mac loves to point out, when I have a good story to tell, I think about the best way to tell it.  I guess this is not necessary when you are as good a public speaker as Mac and can add a Good Will Hunting references into any conversation.  But for an average storyteller like me, it helps to have an outline or script prepared.

To be continued...

This was supposed to be the introductory paragraph for a post inspired by an imaginary conversation.  But then I realized how long this is now and how much longer it would get, so I decided to make this a two parter.  So tune in tomorrow for the dramatic conclusion.


  1. ...bated breath....

  2. Sweet! I got multiple references in one-half of a post. Keep the attention on me, and this will end up being the best blog you've ever done.

  3. I think you need to practice your mental telepathy or study your script better because
    every time my imaginary conversations with you become real conversation with you, you do not get your lines right.

    To be fair and honest your improv does take the ccnversation into another realm.

    This also explains on a few occasions you saying I should have said this back to you.

  4. Center of Atention,I thought it was a given the world revolved around you.

    Once you give me a date for August/September for the Singles Seminar, the world will totaly revolve around you.
