Saturday, January 8, 2011

Welcome to the internet

I have been threatening people by telling them that I have this desire to start a blog and also begging them to talk me out of it.  Unfortunately no one talked me out of this.  I am a bit surprised that there was not a hit put out on me to prevent this blog from coming about.  But in theory, there are worse things that you could be reading on the internet.  So here I am.  Read at your own risk.


  1. Item 1: I resent what's implied by your blog title. I'm not crazy, and Michelle can't help that she is.

    Item 2: I resent that my stellar and slightly-famous blog is not featured in your blog-list at right. Please fix this immediately or face my wrath.

    Item 3: Please don't be offended that I'm surprised you finally broke down.

  2. I'm surprised and excited! I like to listen to you so I'm sure I'll like reading all you have to "say"! And Ellen--what does your item 1 even mean? I feel like this is something I should get, but blame it on the Graves and the crazy, I'm just not getting it.

  3. Sorry Ellen. I imported the blog list from my google reader, but for some reason it missed a couple. It is fixed now.

    Michelle, tomorrow's post will explain my blog title and how Ellen has insulted you.

  4. Save the black sheep's comments for last. Missing the start of this blog almost makes me want to get on Facebook. However now that have a blog for two of the three of you, I am less interested in Facebook. Then again, from what I have heard about, Michelle has the most interesting/informative Facebook updates, so maybe Facebook would be worth it. I am sure I will decide one way or the other this summer when I am not occupied by fantasy baseball.

  5. Your blog doesn't appear on Ellen's list at the right so she should face your wrath.

  6. Dear Black Sheep,

    Your comments (and link) on the blog-naming post were so entertaining that I will forgive you for trying to stir up strife. Additionally, I do appreciate the reminder to return the favor to Shane and add him to my blogroll.

    Your meaner, less crazy sister
