Friday, December 30, 2011

2012 Resolutions

I don't usually set New Year's resolutions, mostly because I'm not that good at follow through.  So I have decided to set some reasonable goals this year.

I resolve to procrastinate more and not be disappointed by my lack of accomplishments.
I resolve to eat worse and exercise less.
I resolve to waste lots of time on the ps3 and watching television.
I resolve to keep my four suit spider solitaire winning percentage really high on my new laptop (currently 57%).
I resolve to watch as many games as possible of the undefeated, #20 in the nation, Murray State Racers.
I resolve to remember to change my oil at less than 7,000 miles at least once.
I resolve to clean my house at least twice.
I resolve to edit my facebook status at least once a week.  Make that once a month.
I resolve to go to bed instead of falling asleep on the couch, occasionally.
I resolve to get to work on time at least once a week.
I resolve to lower my expectations for the number and quality of blog posts that I will write this year.

These are reachable goals.  I should be able to keep all of them.


  1. How can you "Waist" time on the PS3 and watching television? I think it would be rather painful to play the PS3 with your ribs and your hips. Plus, I did not know you had eyes in your abdomen.

    Also, you are going to get to work on time once a week so you can eat?

  2. Thanks for pointing out the misspelling and the typo. They have been corrected.
